Join Ben Hillary, Managing Director of Commodities People, as he engages in a compelling discussion with Steve Hughes, CEO of Quor, about the evolution and future direction of this leading CTRM solutions provider. Steve outlines Quor's strategic responses to recent global challenges, including geopolitical tensions and the pandemic, by enhancing automated CTRM systems to support clients in navigating volatile markets. He also emphasizes the company’s commitment to sustainability and the energy transition, addressing the rising demand for metals essential to renewable energy and improving ESG reporting capabilities.

In addition, Steve explores Quor's integration of advanced technologies, particularly AI, and the advantages of being part of Symphony Technology Group's portfolio. The discussion also addresses the debate between monolithic systems and ecosystems within the CTRM industry, highlighting Quor's adaptable approach. Looking forward, Steve envisions significant growth through mergers and acquisitions, positioning Quor to innovate and provide comprehensive solutions that disrupt the market. This insightful conversation offers valuable perspectives for professionals invested in the future of commodity trading and risk management.



Hello and good morning, afternoon or evening to all of our viewers, wherever you're listening in from today. My name is Ben Hillary, managing director of commodities people, and I'm really, really delighted to be joined here by Steve Hughes, CEO of Quor Group, a leading provider of CTRM solutions, and one with some pretty exciting developments in the last few months. And I believe a lot more to come. Over the next 15 minutes or so, we'll be taking a deep dive into all things CTRM, its utilization through the various tail risk events we've seen in recent years, its role in driving sustainability and the energy transition, AI technology ecosystems, and finally, a glimpse into what the future may hold for Quor. So, Steve, welcome and thank you very much for being here.


My pleasure as always. It's good to speak to you again.


Thank you. Well, diving right in first question, it's, well, it's very hard to believe that que is just two years old. So yeah, tell us about the journey so far.


So, in fact, we're going to have to qualify for two years. Let me give a bit of history. So it's two years ago that STG approached Brady Technologies and eventually signed a deal to carve out what is now core. So you could almost count that first year as a transition to make sure that the two companies were separated appropriately and working effectively. There's a lot of people internally say, well, the core brand's really only one and a bit years old. We started the company really in March of last year, so it's even younger than the two years. And I think, you know, we were backed by a private equity firm called Symphony Technology Group, or STG for short. And again, for those not familiar with SDG, they're based in California. They are around, have around about $10 billion of assets under management. They're all enterprise software companies of some form. So a range of maybe 32, 30, 30 few companies in the portfolio. Core is one of them. And what they wanted to do was establish a foothold in the world of commodity trading, risk management. I've been asked many times why, and I think the main reason is if there's anything with longevity in this world, it's commodity trading. We can't do without energy, food, water, etcetera. And many of those things are traded. We're not quite on the stage of trading air, I guess, but hopefully that will never come. But the other things will be around forever. So it's a good market to be in. And the reason they carved out core, which is a great specialist in metals, is to be a platform company to then grow that business and fill the whole commodity asset classes from soup to nuts. And with that of course you've got a brand new company from almost, you know, just over a year ago. I joined in June of last year. So new CEO. So we've been through a lot of changes to position where we are today. And the message to staff was really if the plan is for us to acquire and grow quickly, we better make sure that this platform, this platform called Quor Group is very stable, runs like a swiss watch because if it isn't like that and you start acquiring and growing quickly, then you're asking for trouble. So that first almost year now has been spent on doing just that. Cultural changes, changes to processes, how we do things to make sure that we're ready for the coming stages. And as you know, we just acquired Echo, with STG's help and encouragement and that's, that's, you know, we had to be ready for that to happen and I'm pleased to say we are and we're ready for that very thing. So in a nutshell that's the first couple of years or really one year. One year and a few months.


So excellent. And besides, what's been happening within the core outside of port for the last two years have been rare to say the least. With pestilence, with war, with extreme volatility, inflation just to name a few. How has core supported their users through this period? And I suppose also for those non core clients, how can they ensure that their technology supports, they're keeping a steady path during such challenging events?


Okay, I'll answer that in a couple of ways. First of all, you're dead right. The increased market volatility due to geopolitical events is disrupting the commodity supply chain. So shipping around the Red Sea is now rerouted elsewhere and it's adding maybe 6000 journeys in ten days. Now as most people know, and certainly your listeners will know, commodity trading is often looked at. You're walking a tightrope in many ways because it's a very complex supply chain getting from origination to market. Millions can happen. So in many cases they're trading on very thin margins. So things like that disruption really doesn't help, particularly as around 12% of global trade goes to the Suez Canal. And that diversion is really not helping. Similarly with COVID I remember some research we did during or after COVID and it showed that freight costs were jumping in excess of 25% for long haul imports anyway. Now that has a dramatic effect on, you know, a trading company's ability to make, to make money and make sure they stay afloat. So with that, I think what that did to the commodities world underlined the need for an automated CTRM system and all it can do for clients in that industry. So we kind of had that already. But what we're seeing in terms of trend and the one that we're reacting to is companies are now trying to much better integrate disparate systems to get a more holistic view of what's happening and help them optimize their trading and operations to make sure that that profitability is preserved even during these tumultuous times. So we see demand for, if you take cause product and eckers products, both are supported by a set of APIs. And the uptake in those in recent times has been tremendous. Where they want the CTRM, which is the beating heart of the business, to now communicate with other parts, essentially to get real time risk management and operations in one place. So although CTM isn't responsible for all that, it's often the heart of where all those things come in and where the decisions are made. So both Ecker and Quor have been following that route to make sure that we're, the products can adequately talk to the rest of the world, if you will, to make that possible during these turbulent times. So I think that's what I would say. And the other big trend is the trend towards business intelligence and dashboards that give me very quick gauge, visual gauge on what's happening in my operations, so I can adjust accordingly and very quickly. And again, both firms, and if I'm honest, Ecker's done a better job so far of that than core of building dashboards that allow people to make very quick decisions and with real time data being consolidated in. So I think those are the major changes that we are making to support our clients and our prospective clients in this new world of change and disruption.


Moving to maybe arguably more positive disruption. It has been really incredible in these last few years to see sustainability, ESG and the energy transition really becoming such a business driver for many commodity firms. What's Quor's approach to these megatrends?


Yeah, I think the main thing is we've got companies who maybe were, for example, not really in the metals arena now adding metals to their portfolio because of the demand caused by the move to renewable energy. So things like cobalt and lithium, nickel, copper, those sorts of things are in high demand. So we're seeing a shift in firms that didn't operate in that area and think we need a slice of that business as it moves forward from a core eco point of view, we've got capabilities to support that, particularly in terms of ESG reporting. Remembering, at the end of the day, ESG is simply, at the end of the day, simply a reporting mechanism to make sure that you can report upwards and outwards in terms of your compliance with various things. So we're doing that both organically, in terms of developing the products to support those things. We're also looking at further acquisitions that might accelerate our move into renewable energy. As you know, there's quite a few companies around, both long standing and new, that really focus on the renewable energy world. So, you know, we're there to support it. We plan that. We plan as ever to be ahead of the curve in terms of our customers. But particularly the demand in metals is fueling that. I think it was the international energy agencies that said that they expect to see a sevenfold increase by 2030 in those metals that I mentioned earlier. We're around to support that, both in terms of our existing customers moving into the metals arena, or indeed our customers in metals now focusing on those new, exciting, growing markets to make sure that they're well supported during that. But it's a very, very interesting topic, particularly when you get in front of clients and you see what they're doing with it. And if I'm honest, some don't quite know how to react. But the great thing about being a vendor is you collect the experience of many, many trading companies, so you end up in a position where you can help those who are a little behind the curve, if you will.


Yeah, excellent. More generally. More generally, technology really does seem to be moving more than ever at breakneck speed. AI in particular is at the front of many, many traders' minds. What's been Core's approach to such technology?


Well, prior to the merger, both companies were investing reasonably heavily in AI, and we continue to do that. If I turn for a second to STG, I mentioned SDG has got over 30 companies in its portfolio. And a recent survey, internal survey they did, revealed that virtually every company in the portfolio is investing in AI of some type, which kind of is great to know that others are doing it. The real advantage of being with STG is this. STG is able to step back from all of those operations and look at AI in isolation, and then how it might apply to companies. So they're making a considerable investment, in fact, on behalf of all portfolio companies. Forget what the individuals are doing, including Quora and EKA, and they're making a side investment, quite sizable side investment, to again get ahead of the curve, which then each of the portfolio companies, including core and Ecker, can take advantage of. So we're looking forward to that because we are working hard and investing in AI as two product sets to now have a third input. That's, it's actually much bigger than the investment we could make individually and get that help from STG. And the learning from all those other companies is a fabulous thing, but we're very much building AI into our and machine learning into much of what we do day on day. So we, you know, we know that's going to. Well, it's already started revolutionizing the world. An anecdotal story. I had a message from Manav Gag this week, who was Eka's founder, and his message was, Steve, I've got a message from you. I'm absolutely certain it's not you because the phone number is wrong, but my God, the caller mimicked your voice perfectly. Now that will be AI enabled. So that's kind of the downside of AI and other stuff. We all have to be cautious, but I think there's a tremendous upside in gaining advantage. And I think if our clients don't move that way, you can bet your life that the competition is. And again, we intend to be ahead of that curve, so we're there before they decide to exploit such technologies. Yeah.


Yeah. That's amazing. I really haven't considered so much that enormous advantage you'd have by being part of that wider group and developing alongside all those different organizations.


Yeah, it is truly fabulous. Just to underline that. STG are unusual in my experience of many private equity firms I've worked with in the past, in that they are very active in forming a community amongst the portfolio companies.




So I'm able to find out that another portfolio company over here may be in an unrelated area, and has already worked on that. We can lean on that very openly, and that just doesn't apply to AI. It applies to every metric you can think of in a business. So when we look at customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, the ratio of development costs to revenue, revenue per head, all of those things are mapped by SDG. And I'm able to dial into the system called STG Salon. And I can look at a whole range of heat maps, including all those KPI's I just mentioned, and see where core fits amongst the portfolio. And now, it doesn't name who the other people are, but I know which company we are. Each company's got a number, but I know where we fit in the scale and where we're lagging and where we're ahead. Now, you don't normally get that kind of rich feedback when you're a standalone company. And again, I've never seen it happen in another PE firm. So they're doing extremely well at that. And for a CEO trying to lead a new business off the ground, it's absolutely invaluable. But it's ours and other companies can't have it.


Good. I think one thing that I guess it's the age-old debate in the CTRM world never goes away, that monolithic systems versus ecosystems, it's really as important today as ever before. What's your perspective on that?


Yeah, I think in monolithic systems, every monolithic system has its sweet spot, but it can't be sweet in every area. And I think even the very large players have learned that, that you may invest in some very expensive monolithic system, but this desk over here or that desk over there actually needs some specialism in whatever it is, metals, agriculture, whatever. So one of the things I found is that even very large companies who might have a flagship CTRM system are then if you actually look in, they're dotted around with other CTRM systems. So I think you've got this monolith with then the more point solutions sitting around. But they're expert in what they do. And I don't see that trend ending because even with cause ambitions, I can't see there ever being one product that covers it all. And there are other players in the industry, particularly the tier one vendors who kind of claim to do that. But even then they split the portfolio into four or five chunks and really present it as they are still very large, capable systems. But it doesn't mean a client only has one of them. They could have more than one. I think that trend is going to continue. I can't see, even for the ones that have been around forever, if you will, and are very broad and deep in what they do. There's still many cases for the new entrants coming along. If you look at the vendor market to this, the number of new entrants is over 100. There's dozens of new firms coming up that have something new to offer and it's normally about them being adaptable and flexible. And in fact, we are very conscious of that. We either stand still or we die actively building much more flexible, working into our own products to make sure we can keep up with that. But it is the sign of a, if you will, an immature market when you've got a long tail of 100 new entrants and not ten companies because it's all been consolidated. It tells you that the c two m industry is still in motion and in some ways is still immature, which is one of the things that makes it exciting for me, being a Quor Group. And that is the reason I joined, to try and make a difference in that, in that pack. So I don't know what the debate people go on for ages about. You know, you must have a big monolithic. It has to be that. But I'm definitely seeing a trend towards using that and then some more niche solutions, or as you call it, you know, an ecosystem of, a smaller ecosystem of solutions that can add tremendous value.


Yeah, I suppose following on from what you were saying there, what is your wider vision of core in the years ahead? What can we expect?


Well, let me step back a little. The reason I was very happy in another job before I got a knock on the door from Quor Group. Well, from STG, actually. I had no intention of moving. The reason I did was as I mentioned earlier, SDG setup Quor Group as a platform on which to accrete and acquire other assets. And that's very appealing to me. So Eka is, in my 45 years in the software industry, my 25th merger and acquisition activity, and it's something that I enjoy very much. I love change. If things aren't changing, Steve gets bored and goes, find something else. So this is changing all the time. And that's what attracted me. And I think what encouraged STG was the fact that I had got a lot of experience in mergers and acquisitions. So if you look at the immediate future, obviously we were focused on taking two, what were two teams and bringing them into a single team. And I have to say, in all my repetitions of doing merger activities, this has been made easier by the fact that we've got two teams that already are not talking about my product and my background and my history. They're talking about our products and how we present them to clients and focus on the future. And that makes it a lot easier for an old dog like me to try to bring it together into one team. So right now we're working very, very closely on merger activities. So a couple of weeks ago, the core management team went out to Bengaluru to meet the Eka management team, and we spent nearly a week sorting out how we do things. I also have the opportunity to address my 200 something new colleagues at Ecker. But what astonished me was as I, you know, I'm locked in a boardroom doing stuff with the management team as I walked out and, and walking around the building, in every room, you would see poor and EKA people collaborating on different things and getting off. These guys are not having to be forced. It's the other way around, really. They're running at a pace that even I find difficult. So immediately we're focused on getting those two companies together. We're focused on growth individually and collectively. We're focused on attaining the very high benchmarks that STG set of its portfolio companies, which is non trivial. So we're focused on that. We're also working out how we bring the product portfolio together and how that makes sense to clients. And by that, I mean there are other large players in the market who have collected assets in this industry, and their focus is on those assets that, you know, the company is split based on those assets and they present themselves as a collection of products. We don't want to do that. We want to present ourselves as a solution set. So call it core for agriculture, core for metals, core for concentrates, core for whatever you like. And it's then our job to take this portfolio of products, mix and match what we need, then give a solution for a cotton trader, not haycores products, a cotton trader. And that may take a number of products from different parts of the portfolio. Of course, for us, it's a licensing and pricing issue, because if you take those things separately and add them all together, it becomes very expensive. So we're working on that as well in terms of how we price, bundle and position in the marketplace. If you roll that forward again to this vision of wanting to be able to cover all commodity groups, then we still have gaps. So, needless to say, we can fill those gaps by building or we can fill them by acquiring. We're going to lean towards acquiring with STG's help to fill all those gaps out. Once that's done, we can then look at the ancillary products that sit around the heart of a CTRM system, like trade surveillance, business intelligence, all of those things that sit around it, where if you go into a commodity trading company, you see the heart is the CTRM system, but then there's a whole plethora of other things that sit around, and those two would be targets in the longer term. And again, the idea is, with core and Eka coming together, we're now different already from what we call tier two vendors. So long standing, profitable, got a bit of critical mass, good name recognition. All of those things are separated from that long tail of the new entrance I just mentioned. But tier one is dominated by FIS, SAP, and of course ion and I spent time at Ion when we bought open link and Allegro, for example. So we've already as the group has already moved kind of out of tier two but we're not in tier one yet. But longer term we would be, which would give I think a new, fresh, vibrant alternative clients that are using those tier one supplier products. So in a nutshell that's kind of where we're headed. In the longer term, obviously it's going to be again that important thing, lots of change, lots of disruption because we do intend to disrupt things and an exciting time for everybody who's fit enough, well enough and lights change enough to stay with us on the journey. So yeah, I'm really looking forward to that.


Excellent. Yeah, yeah, very, very exciting times ahead and very much look forward to seeing it all developed. So. Yeah, well, thanks Steve for it's been a fascinating conversation and thank you to all of our listeners for joining. So until next time, wishing you all the best and thank you.


Thank you too. Bye.

Written by: Commodities People

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Gen10 focus on making the day-to-day tasks of commodity and carbon trading faster and simpler through automation and collaboration. Our technology empowers our clients, completing the feedback loop between trading and finance to support smarter, safer trading decisions.

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Gen10 focus on making the day-to-day tasks of commodity and carbon trading faster and simpler through automation and collaboration. Our technology empowers our clients, completing the feedback loop between trading and finance to support smarter, safer trading decisions.

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capSpire is a global consulting and solutions company that creates, customizes, and implements value-driving technology for commodity-focused organizations. Fueled by direct industry experience in commodities trading, risk management and analytics, they offer expertise in business process advisory, managed services and operations consulting.


In the Commodity Trading and Management business, expertise emerges as the most valuable resource. A deep understanding of the commodity trade lifecycle is what makes Quor Group, the leading Commodity Trading, and Commodity Management solutions provider.


In the Commodity Trading and Management business, expertise emerges as the most valuable resource. A deep understanding of the commodity trade lifecycle is what makes Quor Group, the leading Commodity Trading, and Commodity Management solutions provider.

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We are RadarRadar (formerly Tradesparent). Experts in the commodity trade and processing industry. Operating in the most fundamental industries of the world, food, energy and other commodities. Since 2010, we deliver high profile projects for the world’s leading commodity producers, traders, and processors. We work with our clients to configure bespoke and extendable data solutions, enabling their successful digital transformation.

In today’s fast-paced information age, with insecurities about climate change, political developments, and increasingly volatile markets, it becomes more and more challenging to have access to the right knowledge in- and outside the company. This increases risks in the daily financial and physical operations, and challenges adequate and controlled decision-making.

RadarRadar provides your business with the knowledge it needs to succeed. As technology company we continuously aim to support our clients with strong data management and advanced risk tools. It is our mission to enable companies to unlock the full potential of their data to improve risk and margin management and boost performance.

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SOS MEDITERRANEE is a European, maritime-humanitarian organisation for the rescue of life in the Mediterranean. It was founded by European citizens who chartered a rescue vessel in order to save people in distress in the Central Mediterranean – the in the world’s most deadly migration route. Our four headquarters are located in Berlin (Germany), Marseilles (France),

ABOUT WISTA Switzerland

WISTA Switzerland is a key global shipping and trading hub, with regional clusters in the Geneva Lake area, Zug/Zurich and Locarno. The shipping and trading activity in Switzerland provides over 35’000 jobs and represents 3.8% of the Swiss GDP. Switzerland, and Geneva in particular, is also home to international organisations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

WISTA Switzerland was founded in Geneva in 2009 and incorporated according to the WISTA International statute in January 2010. The Association is active in both Geneva and Zug/Zurich chapters with the Board and Members meeting monthly to discuss topics of interest, exchange ideas and experiences. We also meet for networking events, conferences and member exclusive coaching sessions.Every year, several conferences are organized by Wista Switzerland on latest developments in the industry in both areas Geneva and Zug/Zurich. 


WISTA Switzerland is a key global shipping and trading hub, with regional clusters in the Geneva Lake area, Zug/Zurich and Locarno. The shipping and trading activity in Switzerland provides over 35’000 jobs and represents 3.8% of the Swiss GDP. Switzerland, and Geneva in particular, is also home to international organisations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

WISTA Switzerland was founded in Geneva in 2009 and incorporated according to the WISTA International statute in January 2010. The Association is active in both Geneva and Zug/Zurich chapters with the Board and Members meeting monthly to discuss topics of interest, exchange ideas and experiences. We also meet for networking events, conferences and member exclusive coaching sessions.Every year, several conferences are organized by Wista Switzerland on latest developments in the industry in both areas Geneva and Zug/Zurich. 

ABOUT Propeller Club

The Propeller Club – Port of Geneva is a professional association providing opportunities for Shipping and Trading professionals to network and develop their knowledge.

Founded in 1983, the Club has been actively involved in the local and international Shipping and Trading community and presently is proud to have about 160 members including individuals working as shipowners, traders, charterers, logistics providers, agents, banks, insurers and lawyers as well as a large number of companies active in the market.Geneva is a global hub for Shipping and Trading and in an industry where network is key to one’s individual and to the industry’s success, the Propeller Club serves a vital role.

The Propeller Club organises a range of events which are open to the Shipping and Trading community both in Geneva and those visiting for work or pleasure. These events include monthly evening events focused on specific topics combining learning and networking opportunities. On a more social level, the Club organises networking events such as our annual events to celebrate Escalade, an annual outing on the Neptune on Lake Geneva and a summer lunch. The Club also organises drinks events to promote networking in the larger community.

The Propeller Club is in close contact with Propeller Clubs in ports and cities throughout Europe and further afield to coordinate our activities and to create value for the broader network.



The Propeller Club – Port of Geneva is a professional association providing opportunities for Shipping and Trading professionals to network and develop their knowledge.

Founded in 1983, the Club has been actively involved in the local and international Shipping and Trading community and presently is proud to have about 160 members including individuals working as shipowners, traders, charterers, logistics providers, agents, banks, insurers and lawyers as well as a large number of companies active in the market.Geneva is a global hub for Shipping and Trading and in an industry where network is key to one’s individual and to the industry’s success, the Propeller Club serves a vital role.

The Propeller Club organises a range of events which are open to the Shipping and Trading community both in Geneva and those visiting for work or pleasure. These events include monthly evening events focused on specific topics combining learning and networking opportunities. On a more social level, the Club organises networking events such as our annual events to celebrate Escalade, an annual outing on the Neptune on Lake Geneva and a summer lunch. The Club also organises drinks events to promote networking in the larger community.

The Propeller Club is in close contact with Propeller Clubs in ports and cities throughout Europe and further afield to coordinate our activities and to create value for the broader network.


Gafta is the international trade association representing over 1900 member companies in 100 countries who trade in agricultural commodities, spices and general produce. Gafta is headquartered in London and has offices in Geneva, Kiev, Beijing and Singapore. More than 90% of Gafta’s membership is outside the UK. With origins dating back to 1878, Gafta provides a range of important services that facilitate the movement of bulk commodities and other produce around the world.

It is estimated that around 80% of all grain traded internationally is shipped on Gafta standard forms of contract and Gafta’s arbitration service, based on English law, is highly respected around the world. Gafta also runs training and education courses, manages Approved Registers for technical trade services and provides trade policy information, and events and networking opportunities for members.

Gafta promotes free trade in agricultural commodities and works with international governments to promote the reduction of tariffs and the removal of non-tariff barriers to trade, as well as a science and evidence-based approach to international trade policy and regulatory decision making.



Gafta is the international trade association representing over 1900 member companies in 100 countries who trade in agricultural commodities, spices and general produce. Gafta is headquartered in London and has offices in Geneva, Kiev, Beijing and Singapore. More than 90% of Gafta’s membership is outside the UK. With origins dating back to 1878, Gafta provides a range of important services that facilitate the movement of bulk commodities and other produce around the world.

It is estimated that around 80% of all grain traded internationally is shipped on Gafta standard forms of contract and Gafta’s arbitration service, based on English law, is highly respected around the world. Gafta also runs training and education courses, manages Approved Registers for technical trade services and provides trade policy information, and events and networking opportunities for members.

Gafta promotes free trade in agricultural commodities and works with international governments to promote the reduction of tariffs and the removal of non-tariff barriers to trade, as well as a science and evidence-based approach to international trade policy and regulatory decision making.


The International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA) is the worldwide trade association for companies, financial institutions and intermediaries engaged in trade and the origination, structuring, risk mitigation and distribution of trade debt. ITFA also represents the wider trade finance syndication and secondary market for trade assets. ITFA prides itself in being the voice of the secondary market for trade finance, whilst also focusing on matters that are relevant to the whole trade finance spectrum.

ITFA presently has close to 300 members, located in over 50 different countries. These are classified under a variety of business sectors, with the most predominant being the banking industry. Others include forfaiting, insurance underwriters, law firms, fintechs as well as other institutions having a business interest in the areas of Trade Finance and Forfaiting.

To find out more about ITFA, please visit or send an email on


The International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA) is the worldwide trade association for companies, financial institutions and intermediaries engaged in trade and the origination, structuring, risk mitigation and distribution of trade debt. ITFA also represents the wider trade finance syndication and secondary market for trade assets. ITFA prides itself in being the voice of the secondary market for trade finance, whilst also focusing on matters that are relevant to the whole trade finance spectrum.

ITFA presently has close to 300 members, located in over 50 different countries. These are classified under a variety of business sectors, with the most predominant being the banking industry. Others include forfaiting, insurance underwriters, law firms, fintechs as well as other institutions having a business interest in the areas of Trade Finance and Forfaiting.

To find out more about ITFA, please visit or send an email on


The ICC Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) aims to accelerate the development of a globally harmonised, digitalised trade environment, as a key enabler of dynamic, sustainable, inclusive growth.  We engage the public sector to progress regulatory and institutional reform, and mobilise the private sector on standards harmonisation, adoption, and capacity building.

The DSI is a global initiative based in Singapore, backed by an international Governance Board comprising leaders from the International Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Singapore, the Asian Development Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the World Customs Organization.


The ICC Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) aims to accelerate the development of a globally harmonised, digitalised trade environment, as a key enabler of dynamic, sustainable, inclusive growth.  We engage the public sector to progress regulatory and institutional reform, and mobilise the private sector on standards harmonisation, adoption, and capacity building.

The DSI is a global initiative based in Singapore, backed by an international Governance Board comprising leaders from the International Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Singapore, the Asian Development Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the World Customs Organization.


BIMCO, the practical voice of shipping, is the world’s largest international shipping association, with around 2,000 members in more than 130 countries, representing over 60% of the world’s tonnage. Our global membership includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers, and agents. BIMCO is a non-profit organisation. 


BIMCO, the practical voice of shipping, is the world’s largest international shipping association, with around 2,000 members in more than 130 countries, representing over 60% of the world’s tonnage. Our global membership includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers, and agents. BIMCO is a non-profit organisation. 


Founded in 1972, ANRA is the Italian Corporate Risk and Insurance Managers Association. The main goal of the Association is to promote the establishment and development of risk management knowledge in Italy and to strengthen its own reputation of privileged interlocutor as well as institutional representative for matters concerning risk management. ANRA intends to offer to its members professional update programmes and the opportunity of exchanging experiences.


Founded in 1972, ANRA is the Italian Corporate Risk and Insurance Managers Association. The main goal of the Association is to promote the establishment and development of risk management knowledge in Italy and to strengthen its own reputation of privileged interlocutor as well as institutional representative for matters concerning risk management. ANRA intends to offer to its members professional update programmes and the opportunity of exchanging experiences.


The Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is one the largest not-for-profit Technical Analysis Society in the world. The STA’s main objective is to promote greater use and understanding of Technical Analysis and its role within behavioural finance as the most vital investment tool available. Joining us gains access to meetings, webinars, educational training, research and an international, professional network. Whether you are looking to boost your career or just your capabilities – the STA will be by your side equipping you with the tools and confidence to make better-informed trading and investment decisions in any asset class anywhere in the world. For more details email or visit


The Society of Technical Analysts (STA) is one the largest not-for-profit Technical Analysis Society in the world. The STA’s main objective is to promote greater use and understanding of Technical Analysis and its role within behavioural finance as the most vital investment tool available. Joining us gains access to meetings, webinars, educational training, research and an international, professional network. Whether you are looking to boost your career or just your capabilities – the STA will be by your side equipping you with the tools and confidence to make better-informed trading and investment decisions in any asset class anywhere in the world. For more details email or visit


CTRMCenter™ is your source for everything ‘CTRM’. This online portal, managed by leading CTRM analysts – Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech), features the latest news, opinions, information, and insights on commodity markets technologies delivered by some of the industry’s leading experts and thought leaders. The site is visited by more than 1500 unique visitors per week. CTRMCenter also includes free access to all of ComTech’s research in the form of reports, white papers, interviews, videos, podcasts, blogs, and newsletters.


CTRMCenter™ is your source for everything ‘CTRM’. This online portal, managed by leading CTRM analysts – Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech), features the latest news, opinions, information, and insights on commodity markets technologies delivered by some of the industry’s leading experts and thought leaders. The site is visited by more than 1500 unique visitors per week. CTRMCenter also includes free access to all of ComTech’s research in the form of reports, white papers, interviews, videos, podcasts, blogs, and newsletters.

ABOUT Trade Finance Global

Trade Finance Global (TFG) is the leading trade finance platform. We assist companies to access trade and receivables finance facilities through our relationships with 270+ banks, funds and alternative finance houses.

TFG’s award winning educational resources serve an audience of 160k+ monthly readers (6.2m+ impressions) in print & digital formats across 187 countries, covering insights, guides, research, magazines, podcasts, tradecasts (webinars) and video.


Trade Finance Global (TFG) is the leading trade finance platform. We assist companies to access trade and receivables finance facilities through our relationships with 270+ banks, funds and alternative finance houses.

TFG’s award winning educational resources serve an audience of 160k+ monthly readers (6.2m+ impressions) in print & digital formats across 187 countries, covering insights, guides, research, magazines, podcasts, tradecasts (webinars) and video.

ABOUT HR Maritime

HR Maritime, founded in 2008 by Richard Watts, is a Geneva based company providing services to the International Trading, Shipping and Trade Finance Industries. With a client base both within Switzerland and around the globe we offer guidance and implement tailored solutions to the range of problems besetting a company involved in the Trading, Shipping or Financing of commodities. We work with Commodity Traders, Importers and Exporters, Ship Owners and Managers, P&I Clubs, Insurance Underwriters, Trade Financiers, Lawyers and a number of associated service providers. With our broad knowledge and experience across many areas of business, geographical regions and various commodities, we are able to approach nearly any problem or situation with a practical, pragmatic and innovative solution. We are equally at home working on enhancing efficiency within the largest trading companies as with small exporters or importers looking to break into the international markets. Our services focus on Consultancy, Outsourcing and bespoke Training.


HR Maritime, founded in 2008 by Richard Watts, is a Geneva based company providing services to the International Trading, Shipping and Trade Finance Industries. With a client base both within Switzerland and around the globe we offer guidance and implement tailored solutions to the range of problems besetting a company involved in the Trading, Shipping or Financing of commodities. We work with Commodity Traders, Importers and Exporters, Ship Owners and Managers, P&I Clubs, Insurance Underwriters, Trade Financiers, Lawyers and a number of associated service providers. With our broad knowledge and experience across many areas of business, geographical regions and various commodities, we are able to approach nearly any problem or situation with a practical, pragmatic and innovative solution. We are equally at home working on enhancing efficiency within the largest trading companies as with small exporters or importers looking to break into the international markets. Our services focus on Consultancy, Outsourcing and bespoke Training.

ABOUT Commodity Trading Club

Headquartered in Switzerland, Commodity Trading Club is the world's largest community of professionals in commodity trading, shipping, and finance, spanning the entire globe. We provide a broad spectrum of benefits, including exclusive business networking events and a cutting-edge commodity trading platform, fostering members' career and business growth.


Headquartered in Switzerland, Commodity Trading Club is the world's largest community of professionals in commodity trading, shipping, and finance, spanning the entire globe. We provide a broad spectrum of benefits, including exclusive business networking events and a cutting-edge commodity trading platform, fostering members' career and business growth.
CommodityAI is a software platform built to automate and streamline operational processes in the physical commodities trading industry. It simplifies key tasks such as contract management, shipment tracking, and document handling through AI and automation, reducing complexity and manual effort in trade execution—enabling trading and logistics teams to work more efficiently and make faster, data-driven decisions that drive profitability. Founded by former traders with deep industry experience, CommodityAI delivers practical, tailored solutions to address the unique challenges of the commodities industry.


Headquartered in Switzerland, Commodity Trading Club is the world's largest community of professionals in commodity trading, shipping, and finance, spanning the entire globe. We provide a broad spectrum of benefits, including exclusive business networking events and a cutting-edge commodity trading platform, fostering members' career and business growth.